Some businesses find it advantageous to protect their products, processes, or customer lists with non-compete agreements. Such agreements typically restrict an employee from competing with the employer during the employment and for a specified period thereafter. Many such agreements also restrict an employee from disclosing the employer's confidential information to outsiders.

These agreements can be effective in protecting an employer's interests, but they are also frequently challenged by employees after the employment has ended. For that reason, it is important that the agreement be drafted in such a way that it will withstand judicial scrutiny, and restrict the employee from engaging in the conduct the employer wants to prohibit.

Non-compete agreements are evaluated by the courts on a case-by-case basis, and thus it is insufficient to simply adopt a “generic” agreement found on the internet or provided by another employer. Instead, the agreement must be tailored to fit the specific interests the employer wants to protect. Experienced counsel should be consulted regarding the development and implementation of any non-compete agreement.

Throughout my years of practice, I have both drafted enforceable non-compete agreements and successfully represented employers in disputes over non-compete agreements. I can skillfully represent your business in such matters.

I have over 40 years of experience in labor and employment matters and can help you and your business comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

I provide a free initial consultation on all new matters. Call me today at 763-494-9465.

Large-firm experience at small-firm rates.